HomeBody Armor ManufacturersResearch by German Wildau Technical University Confirms Long-term Performance of Dyneema® Soft...

Research by German Wildau Technical University Confirms Long-term Performance of Dyneema® Soft Ballistics for Use in Bullet Resistant Vests

Study by Wildau Technical University Confirms Long-term Performance of Dyneema®

A recent study conducted by German Wildau Technical University related Prof. Dr. Herzog and Prof. Dr. Hendrix proves the long-term ballistic performance of Dyneema® soft ballistic personal protection equipment.

The study confirmed that the V50 performance of used, and up to 15 year old German vests is consistent with that of new vests with Dyneema® soft ballistics. Furthermore, the study affirmed a performance stability of Dyneema® soft ballistic panels over a simulated period of 30 years. Demonstrated long term performance is among the requirements for personal protection equipment in key body armor tenders by European law enforcement authorities. Based on the study results, it is again reconfirmed that ballistic protection made with Dyneema® UHMWPE fiber products is a trusted choice. “The purpose of our research was to analyze the long-term ballistic performance of German vests with Dyneema®. Our study of a significant number of German personal protection vests has underlined the substantial reliability of Dyneema® in bullet resistant personal protection equipment.” says Prof. Dr. Herzog summarizing their findings.

Prof. Dr. Herzog presented detailed results at a conference organized by the German Police University (DHPol) during Enforce Tac 2017 on Thursday, March 02, in Room “München”, Exhibition Center Nuremberg “NCC Mitte”.

Dyneema® soft ballistic solutions are based on DSM’s patented unidirectional (UD) technology designed for use in multi-layered structures which have repeatedly proven to meet or exceed industry standards in ballistic tests performed at independent laboratories and organizations.

Dyneema® is, compared to traditional materials like aramids, the only ballistic material capable of achieving a robust concept for the German police standard SK1 level at low weights with good flexibility. A level SK1 areal density of less than 4 kg/m² can be achieved with protective vests engineered with DSM Dyneema’s next-generation Dyneema® Force Multiplier Technology.

Advanced Dyneema® soft and hard ballistics solutions are widely used in German personal protection equipment combining proven high level protection at reduced weight and low thickness for maximum comfort and agility.

In 2016 the State Office for Central Police Services of North Rhine-Westphalia (LZPD NRW) has equipped their police officers with 10,000 new high-tech protective vests, driven by the extreme conditions the police services are confronted with. The hard armor protective panels inside these vests are made with polyethylene material to protect against automatic weapons.

During this year’s Enforce Tac exhibition (March 01-02), DSM Dyneema will showcase its next generation hard and soft ballistics solutions, including Dyneema® Force Multiplier Technology, at Booth 409 in Hall 10.1. The display will focus on various demanding military and law enforcement personal protection equipment, such as ballistic vests, inserts and helmets on display.

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