HomeBody Armor ManufacturersEnGarde Launches Ultra Light Body Armor

EnGarde Launches Ultra Light Body Armor

Providing the most comfortable and highest possible level of ballistic and trauma protection yet, EnGarde has developed a revolutionary ultrathin, lightweight body armor. With this new NIJ Level IIIA+ ballistic armor package, EnGarde will continue to provide its clients in law enforcement, private security agencies and the military with maximum protection.

The recently developed ballistic panel is the first Dyneema®-only hybrid panel on the market. “Our initial idea of combining different grades of Dyneema® into one single panel has proven to be a very successful approach,” Iwan Luiten, managing partner of EnGarde, said.

Ballistic tests have shown that the different grades of Dyneema® not only strengthen both fabrics’ properties – thus delivering unparalleled protection – but also result in a very comfortable, thin and flexible ballistic solution.

“At EnGarde body armor we have always focused on improving the wearing comfort of our clients, while offering them the highest possible protection level. We are, therefore, very proud to announce our new product. After months of research and development, our new ENGARDEIIIA-ULTRA-06 panel has been rigorously – and successfully – tested by independent test laboratories and shown to comply with the latest NIJ Level IIIA performance,” Iwan Luiten said.

This latest NIJ standard 0101.06 is even more demanding than the previous NIJ standard 0101.04 and includes the .357 SIG FMJ-FN threat. EnGarde has also successfully tested the ENGARDEIIIA-ULTRA-06 panel according to the ballistic requirements of German Schutzklasse 1 TR03/2008, including the 0-meter distance (contact shot) tests. The ENGARDEIIIA-ULTRA-06 panel offers not only high-ballistic stopping power but also intrinsic ‘real world’ protection against knives and hypodermic needles.

Although the tests for this new panel ENGARDEIIIA-ULTRA-06 were even more stringent, EnGarde was able to reduce the weight of the new panel by more than 10% compared to the current NIJ certified Level IIIA Dyneema® panel.

To be officially launched in December 2011, the new ENGARDEIIIA-ULTRA-06 panel will be available for all concealable and tactical EnGarde bullet proof vest models.

EnGarde is a body armor manufacturer based in the Netherlands. Through its international network of distributors in more than 30 countries, EnGarde is able to advise and serve its customers worldwide. EnGarde offers high-quality body armor solutions as well as lightweight hard armor plates, helmets and bomb blankets.

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