HomeBody Armor MaterialsCSU Body Armor Research

CSU Body Armor Research

Armor Research By CSU

Researchers at Colorado State University are interested in interviewing individuals who have worn body armor.

We are conducting a research study to examine:
1) What are consumers’ concerns about body armor?
2) what needs do consumers want to fulfill with body armor? and
3) what aspects of the body armors should be improved? The title of our project is Consumers’ Concerns of Body Armors.

We are looking to understand your reasons for wearing body armor, your personal experience in using it, your insights regarding fit, comfort, ease of use, etc., your purchasing standard, your ideal body armor, and your repurchase intentions.

We would like you to participate into an in-depth interview. Participation involves an approximately 35-60-minute interview. Your participation in this research is voluntary. If you decide to participate in the study, you may withdraw your consent and stop participation at any time without penalty. While there are no direct benefits to you, we hope to gain more knowledge on body armor from consumers’ perspectives.

If you choose to participate, you will complete a short demographics survey as well as the interview to answer questions regarding your body armor. Interviews can be done over the phone at any time that is convenient for the participant. We will not collect your name or personal identifiers. When we report and share the data with others, we will combine the data from all participants.

To be eligible to participate you must be at least 18 years of age and have had used body armor. Compensation for your participation will be a $5 Amazon gift card.

If interested, please contact Morgan Brubaker at [email protected] or Dr. Anna Perry at (970) 491-3915 or [email protected]. If you have any questions about your rights as a volunteer in this research, contact the CSU IRB at:  [email protected]; 970-491-1553.

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