HomeEMS body armorBody Armor Is On Fire! Myrtle Beach Fire Department Receives Body Armor

Body Armor Is On Fire! Myrtle Beach Fire Department Receives Body Armor

The Myrtle Beach Fire Department has finally gotten one of its most anticipated requests. The officers of this department will receive new body armor that will help them carry out their work more safely.

Body armor for the Fire Department 

Officers have received body armor thanks to a federal grant. This grant was given to Grand Stand Health, who in turn sent the body armor to the fire department.

“These are going to be a huge asset to our personnel,” MBFD Chief Tom Gwyer said to WMBF News. “The way the world is ever-evolving, there comes a time where we need to protect our personnel and fire and EMS, and this is going to go a long way to do that and to serve our community when we have these unfortunate events down the road. “

A long way to obtain body armor

WMBF News indicates that the Myrtle Beach Fire Department has been trying to secure body armor for its workers for over a year and a half. They finally got it.

The importance of obtaining body armor for security services is latent and increasingly important. Many events put the lives of doctors and firefighters at risk. That’s why the Myrtle Beach Fire Department celebrates that they have finally got the tools they need to give their workers the best possible safety. 

“We continuously find ourselves getting in situations where it can be more and more dangerous for our crews,” MBFD Cpt. Jonathan Evans indicated for WMBF News. “Police, they have the training and the equipment for these kinds of things, but the fire department’s always been one of those areas where we’ve been lacking in that area. So, fortunately, now we have these capabilities to keep our folks safer in case something happens. “

Will 40 body armor  be enough?

The Grand Strand Health grant has covered the costs for 40 body armor. The question is whether these body armor will be enough to protect all fire department workers, or will it be necessary to obtain more in the future. What is decisive is that this is a great first step for the fire department. 

Grand Strand Heath confirmed the shipment of the body armor earlier this month, however, sources indicate that not all the vests have reached the fire department. Firefighters and other workers have to wait a little longer for the body armor quota to arrive in full.

However, the vests that have arrived have already begun to be used.

Celebrating the arrival of body armor

“It really means adding a layer of capability that we don’t currently have and being able to get those folks into those patients means that we get them faster which means we can get them into the or faster and save that life, “Director of Emergency Operations at Grand Strand Medical Center, Matt Tumbleson indicated to 15 News.

Officials indicate that the 40 body armor received will help all workers respond to future active shooter situations much more quickly and safely. This has generated general contentment among the officers and workers. 

In addition, the purchase of these body armor indicates that for them safety comes first.


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