HomePolice Body ArmorBallistic Vest Saved Two Policemen From Being Stabbed

Ballistic Vest Saved Two Policemen From Being Stabbed

The body armor was a literal life-saver for the two agents of the Spanish National Police that were stabbed by surprise. The incident could have caused them serious injuries or even death. However, they were not harmed, because of their vests. Once again, ballistic vests saved the lives of security agents.

Ballistic vest saved the agents, that were attached by surprise

On this occasion, the incident occurred on February 11 at around 15:45, in Valencia, Spain. Previously, the police had received an alarm notice at an address on Chile street, in Valencia, Spain. As indicated by the newspaper Las Provincias; the authorities identified the warning as a possible crime of coercion, and a National Police patrol went to resolve the conflict. 

The woman who reported was waiting for the agents, armed with a knife. When the police corp prepared to open the door of the house, she stabbed them several times, as indicated in an article in the newspaper ABC.

The knife had indeed hit the agents’ ballistic vest, but they did not suffer any serious injuries. Because of wearing body armor, the two policemen could to protect themselves from the blows and punctures.

After attacking the police, the woman tried to block the entrance to the house, but the patrol managed to reduce her and breakthrough. 

The trial has not begun yet

By remaining almost unharmed after the attack, the police officers were able to arrest the woman. She turned out to be an ex-Civil Guard, already retired.  The authorities transferred the aggressor to the unit of psychiatry in the Clinic Hospital of Valencia.

At the moment, the Court still awaits the results of this psychiatric evaluation. These results are primordial in order to determine the conviction of the attacker. 

As a statement from the Digital Policial newspaper indicates, the day after receiving the news of the incident:

“Interventions such as yesterday’s once again highlight the need to equip each of the members of the Security Forces and Bodies with ballistic vests. Various trade union organisations have already demanded this. Ballistic vests are an element of endowment that saves lives.”

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