Home Authors Posts by Elisa Palacios

Elisa Palacios

Elisa Palacios
women on the army

Women In The Army: Constant Fight For Adequate Protection

What is the reality of women in the army? Is the Spanish defence industry an egalitarian society? And how does the purchase of body...
Minnesota firefighters receive body armor

Bomberos en Minnesota Aumentan Protecciones: Body Armor Para Todos

El estado de Minnesota es el primero en proveer a los bomberos con un nuevo y mejorado material: más body armor y más cascos...
Female adapted body armor

5 Differences Between Male and Female Designed Body Armor

Many are the demands from women who work in defensive bodies to obtain adequate materials for their work. Obtaining and distributing female bulletproof vests...
New body armor cooling system developed.

How to Keep (Body Armor) Cool: New Body Armor Cooling System

Body armor versus summer heat The functionality of body armor is usually conditioned by comfort. Being body armor an efficient defensive tool, comfort, can be...
Minnesota firefighters receive body armor

Firefighters in Minnesota Increase Protections: Body Armor for Everyone

The state of Minnesota is the first to provide firefighters with new and improved equipment: more body  armor and more helmets for all officers....

HighCom Awarded Sourcewell Contract: Interview With CEO Michael Bundy

On May 10,2021, HighCom Armor Solutions, Inc. announced that it had been awarded a Sourcewell contract. HighCom, along with four other companies, will benefit...
Saved by body armor

Young Victim of a Prank in Spain Saved by Body Armor

Last May, in Vizcaya, in the Basque Country, a young man was the victim of a practical joke that ended only in a scare...

The ‘Shakti’ a New Defensive Item Revolutionizes the Body Armor Industry

Lighter and more flexible body armor, is that even possible? Apparently yes, as Major Anoop Mishra from the Indian Army has proved by developing...
Body Armor Exoskeleton

New Body Armor Exoskeleton: the Vest that Mixes Robot and Human

The body armor exoskeleton, a new invention distributed by PhoeniX (SuitX) makes performing everyday jobs much easier. But can we use this new vest...
three policemen saved by body armor

Three Policemen Avoid Serious Injuries In A Shootout Thanks To Body...

As  AP News indicates; on May 26, 2021, three policemen saved their lives by wearing body armor. The events occurred at an address in...
body armor in congress

Body Armor In Congress: the Demand For Body Armor Is Only...

A bipartisan alliance of 26 members of Congress demands the expense of $30 million to purchase body armor. In Washinton DC; representatives Bill Pascrell and...
fire department

Body Armor Is On Fire! Myrtle Beach Fire Department Receives Body...

The Myrtle Beach Fire Department has finally gotten one of its most anticipated requests. The officers of this department will receive new body armor...
saved by body armor

NY Policeman Saved by Body Armor

A NYPD was shot three times by a known gang member. It happened while the cop and his fellow servicemen were answering calls of...
tunisian deputy

Tunisian deputy brings Body Armor and Helmet to Congress

Deputy Abir Moussi, member of the Tunisian Parliament and head of the Free Destourian Party, yesterday attended a parliamentary session wearing a bulletproof vest...

The New AK-12 Rifle Can Pass Through Body Armor

The Russian company Kalashnikov began to develop the Ak-12 in 2011. As the online newspaper Sputniknews indicates, that same year the developers built the...
civil guard

Half Of Spanish Civil Guard Does Not Have Body Armor

The government of Spain has proposed as mandatory that all Civil Guard agents wear a bulletproof vest. However, there are around 40,000 officers (out...
saved by body armor

Again, Body Armor Saves a Life. Policeman Saved after Being Shot.

A recent event in Chaco reinforces the idea of "one agent, one body armor". Luckily, the injured agent was saved by body armor, after...
saved by body armor

Sacramento Policeman Saved by Body Armor

An incident occurred in Sacramento last month; in which an officer was shot in the stomach, however, the body armor he was wearing saved...
Guardsman Group

Guardsman Group establishes compulsory body armor for workers

Guardsman Group is a private security company in several countries that provides the population with various services such as vehicle tracking or 24-hour surveillance....

XpertFit, A Touch-less Method Of Capturing Measurements For Armor

At the beginning of December last year XpertFit, the first contact-less body measurement technology for armor and uniforms, started an exclusive launch of Safariland (The Safariland...

