HomeBody Armor ManufacturersLindnerhof-Taktik: The Definition of Modular

Lindnerhof-Taktik: The Definition of Modular

Imagine the following scenarios. On a mission, a soldier’s best chance at survival was to jump into a river and swim toward dryland. The vest with hard armor plates did not come off in time, and the soldier drowned. A police officer could not adjust the shoulder straps of her plate carrier. The range of motion in her arms was restricted, and she was wounded before she could draw her weapon. Equipment matters.  

Where It All Began

Deployed in Afghanistan, a special operation forces soldier was inspired by an Australian sniper’s plate carrying system. At a time when soldiers often bought their own carriers, Josef Sixt decided to take matters in his own hands and buy a sewing machine to optimize his own gear. After being approached by comrades from all over the world about his equipment, he realized the need for improved equipment and founded Lindnerhof-Taktik in 2006. Developed and ideated by former special operation forces, Lindnerhof understands that on the field, every inch of one’s gear needs to be crafted meticulously.

At the recent GPEC exhibition in Leipzig, BodyArmorNews.com spoke to Christina Pereira, the Technical Sales Manager, and Michaela Solleder, the Brand Experience Specialist of Lindnerhof-Taktik, to learn more about their modular pouches and carrying systems. Most of Lindnerhof’s team has hands-on experience in the field, which drives their dedication to making the best use of their equipment.

How It Works

A Pouch Attachment Ladder System (PALS) or Modular Lightweight Load Carrying Equipment (MOLLE) has a base, whose webbing allows an operator to add a wide range of multipouches, fitting the needs of their mission. Whether it is a medic pouch, hydration bladder, rifle mags, rain jacket, radio, smartphone, or all of these items, a webbing and an option to add panels on the plate carrier, makes space for all that an operator needs. Due to the uniformity of the webbing, inasmuch as all slots are the same size, Lindnerhof’s gear may be compatible with the products of another producer – rendering the product versatile in modularity, and also the choice to mix and match gear. The plate carriers are cut from either sturdy Cordura (eg. LT025/V2 A2) that is water-repellent, or lightweight MX (eg. MX042) that does not get heavier when damp and dries off quickly.

Due to a small toggle at the end of the buckle-strap, it may be opened with hands that are cold, wet, or in gloves, as tested in the past. In the post-development phase, their equipment is also tested on the field, to ensure its functionality in real life.

The Shikari Series

Why buy separate gear for protection and abseiling, when one system can do it all? Developed in collaboration with Edelrid, the new Shikari Series features introduces a nifty abseiling system that combines a multifunctional waist belt and the Quick Drop chest harness. Unlike traditional setups where operators needed separate belts for carrying gear and abseiling, the Shikari waist belt combines both uses. This battle belt can be equipped with leg loops for abseiling, allowing easy transitions without the need to switch belts. Complementing the waist belt, the Quick Drop chest harness attaches externally to the plate carrier. This chest harness is used when abseiling with heavy loads, such as backpacks, body armor, and weapons, as the attachment point is higher, towards the chest, thus maintaining the operator’s center of gravity. What makes it different from competitors, is that the rear of the harness may be installed under the attached equipment of the plate carrier or vest system used, thereby not obstructing any pouches attached. The front may be removed with the four cobra buckles after abseiling, leaving the frontal pouches undisturbed. The front part can be reinstalled in a couple of seconds to have the ability to abseil again, with a chest harness. Moreover, the system features a strap that allows the attachment point to move freely from left to right across the chest, providing mobility — as compared to conventional abseiling systems.

As our title suggests, Lindnerhof-Taktik lends more meaning to the definition of modularity. At GPEC 2024, BodyArmorNews.com experienced their plate carriers firsthand, witnessing the passion of the Lindnerhof team. Their MOLLE/PALS systems allow extensive customization, enabling operators to tailor their gear to mission-specific needs. Materials like Cordura and MX fabric enhance durability and comfort, while their patented hook buckle, operable in any direction, demonstrates their commitment to ease of use in high-stress situations. The ingenuity of their gear is driven by real-life experiences. Founded by a special operations soldier inspired in Afghanistan, Lindnerhof prioritizes adaptability and functionality in their equipment.

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